Before migrating my blog over to Jekyll, I did some research and found Jekyll was probably a fairly matured static generator that had a fair degree of running on Windows with no issues. Actually, it was this guide in particular that I followed mostly. Though, if you have as much bad luck as me sometimes, well you’ll probably run into a snag using the latest version of Ruby; for me that’s the 2.2.x revisions.
If you receive the following error when trying to run jekyll serve
C:/Ruby22/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in 'require': cannot load such file -- hitimes/hitimes (
Then, chances are you just need to run the following commands in your command prompt:
gem uni hitimes
gem ins hitimes -v 1.2.1 --platform ruby
It would turn out that typically, there is a fat binary that is rolled into the gem installation of hitimes. However, hitimes has only been around since January and the authour hasn’t yet released a fat binary for it yet. Basically, there is no Windows support. Running the above code, we’ll get around the issue until hitimers has an update.